domingo, 22 de octubre de 2023

Blog 5 - My favorite music

 Hello everyone, today I can talk about whatever I want I chose to talk about my favorite music, which is SKA.

My taste for this musical style began when I was very little because an older cousin listened to Madness and The Specials, two iconic Ska bands from England.

Little by little I began to listen to more music related to Jamaican rhythms such as Reggae and are closely related to Ska.

After a few years I realized that there are also bands that play Ska in Chile like Santiago Rebelde, I even discovered that there are Ska bands in all countries, like Los calzones rotos or Los autenticos decadentes.

The best Ska concert I ever went to was one where there was an English band called Bad Manners and a Spanish band called Skalariak, it was a unique experience where everything was beautiful from start to finish, one of the most important things about that day was the person I went with my cousin, the same cousin who motivated me to listen to this type of music.

What I like most about Ska is that it is a style of music that supports antiracist, antifascist movements and is in favor of multiculturalism. It is very common to see how people from different cultures can share the stage and create music.

If I had to recommend any type of music to someone, without a doubt, it would be Ska, since it is quite upbeat and catchy, as soon as you listen to it makes you want to dance.

domingo, 15 de octubre de 2023

Blog 4 - Time travel to the Past

Hello everyone, today I will talk to you about a trip that I would like to take to the past, a past that began around 1760 and ended in the 1840s.

If I had to travel back in time, it would be a trip to the time of the industrial revolution. This is because I would be very interested in seeing how they begin to create new machines that will help human beings. As people who, without knowing, became a contribution to the next generations of human beings, who even help us to this day. I would also be interested to know how this affected the economy and the farmers. I would also like to see how the industrial revolution affected medicine and created new treatments and medicines unknows until that time.

I would be interested to see how it affected the creation of a new method of transportation such as the locomotive, which was probably a discovery that accelerated all the transportation processes of different materials. I would love to see people´s reaction to seeing a locomotive move for the first time.

If I had to say something about the industrial revolution, I think that if resources had been distributed more equititably, there probably would not be social differences as marked as the current ones. I think I would only like to visit this era since I find it crude and unsafe.

domingo, 1 de octubre de 2023

Blog 3 - My dream job

 Hello everyone

One of the jobs that I always liked was being a truck and bus driver. Two years ago I had the opportunity to obtain a professional driver´s lcicense, both to drive buses without seat limits (class A3) and also the license  to drive coupled trucks (class A5). From what I can say, one of the dream jobs, it is very possible to find a job.

Another job that I would like to do in the future is to be an airplane pilot. I imagine that it must be a beautiful job, where you have to have both physical and communication skills, decision making, adaptation to new technologies and also be a good leader.

I understand that to be an airplane pilot you have to be in very good health, since a person in poor health can be a risk to passengers if something happens to them.

I think that the salary I earn does not interest me much, as long as I can afford to live. I think I give more importance to the experiencies I could get in that job, seeing new places, seeing different cities from the sky, getting to know new cultures and sharing with people from different countries.

Currently what I am studying (cinema and television) has no relation with the dream of being an airplane pilot, but at some point I think I could be a pilot if I really set my mind to it.

domingo, 24 de septiembre de 2023

Blog 2 - The best Holidays

 Hi everyone!

Well, today I will talk about a very special day, a day that at first I would only go to the beach, but ended up surprising me. It all started in March this year, with my friends high school whom we call "Vieja" and "Vega" after a party they decide to stay at my house and the next day we went to a beach called "Quintay".

On the tour we saw a sign that said "Curacavi", a well know place in Chile for its gastronomic tradition and a tipical Chilean drink such as "chicha". When we got go to this place, we ate empanadas and traditional Chilean sweets, we also bought chicha to drink when we got to the beach.

Upon arrival we visited a place where we had been a few months ago, we began to remenber how much we shared and got to know each other. I think it was a very special day, where I expected very little but it was one of the best improvised holidays. We finally arrived home 2 days later, we slep in the vehicle we were in.

I think that more important than the place was being accompanied by my friends.

domingo, 10 de septiembre de 2023

Blog 1 - A country I would like to visit

 Hi, everyone

Well, a place that I would like to visit is Japan, since it is a country with a great visual culture, manga and great anime. I would like to live there to learn about its culture and visit the second hand shops. Another place I would like to visit is the Pokemon centers, to buy stuffed animals and clothes with different pokemons. I am very struck by the fact that it is an island.

Being in Japan, I would dedicate myself to looking for old video games and video gmae consoles exclusive to Japan, I would tru to ocllect all the catridges of the Zelda Video game saga.

An interesting place that I would like to visit is Aokigahara, a place that is associated with multiple suicides, there ir a forest with many trees where it is very difficult to find the corpses, I think it is a place with a great emotional charge.

Blog 5 - My favorite music

 Hello everyone, today I can talk about whatever I want I chose to talk about my favorite music, which is SKA. My taste for this musical sty...